Can you keep a secret?
The cyberespionage board game by RepublicOf1
Can you keep a secret?
The cyberespionage board game by RepublicOf1
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You are a spy
You are a spy
You are a spy
An operator in Electronics Intelligence
working to protect the interests of your country
within the World's digital networks
An operator in Electronics Intelligence
working to protect the interests of your country
within the World's digital networks
An operator in Electronics Intelligence
working to protect the interests of your country
within the World's digital networks
Your orders are simple
Your orders are simple
Your orders are simple
Recruit and command your ring of specialist digital agents
Recruit and command your ring of specialist digital agents
Recruit and command your ring of specialist digital agents
Use their skills and strengths to build your plan
Use their skills and strengths to build your plan
Use their skills and strengths to build your plan
Protect our assets and pursue our interests
Protect our assets and pursue our interests
Protect our assets and pursue our interests
One day you will restore the glory of our homeland
One day you will restore the glory of our homeland
One day you will restore the glory of our homeland
This is your
This is your
This is your
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